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I would like to exchange for a different colour or size.Updated a year ago

We want you to love everything you purchase from VOITED and we stand by every item we make. If you purchased a product directly from our site and aren’t satisfied for any reason, simply return it to us unused within 30 days and we’ll issue you a refund for the product.

To exchange an item for something else, please first return the item(s) you would like to exchange back to us. We will credit your refund back to the original payment method and you can place a new order on

Free US Returns

We offer a free returns service in the US via Shippo. To return an item, please follow these steps:

Step 1: Submit your return request

Click the link and follow the steps to submit your return request. You'll need your order number and an email address. We'll send you an email confirmation to confirm that we've received your request. 


Step 2: Print your label

Once we've approved your return, we'll send you an email confirmation with a link to download your free shipping label.

Download your label, then open the file and print. Next, cut out the shipping label along the dotted lines and attach it to your parcel so it covers the barcode of the original label.

Please ensure you return your items in the condition that they were sold, with all the original tags and labels.

Didn't receive your label? Please check your spam folder. If you still can't find it, please contact [email protected] and we'll send you a new one.

Step 3: Take your parcel to your nearest post office.

Your return will need to be dropped off at your closest post office.

Please keep your proof of posting receipt until we have acknowledged receipt of your items.

Once your return is received and checked you’ll get an email notification informing you that we’ve processed your refund. Depending on your payment method the refund will be completed within 10 business days. Your refund will be credited back to the original payment method (Credit Card, PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay or Gift Card).

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